Sunday, May 24, 2009

Father I Turn To You

I recently listened to the song "Father I Turn To You" by Jahaziel, and I thought it would be encouraging to people who are trying to overcome addictions to pornography. In this song, Jahaziel gives his own testimony about his previous addiction to pornography, and he explains how Christ set him free when he truly surrendered his life to Him.


  1. i am a brother who stands in the need of prayer. pornography is a major stronghold that no one knows i have. i want to be free but my actions (responses to God's leading) are inconsistent. Please pray for me and Thanks for posting this link.

  2. We have been praying for you, brother, and will continue to do so. Also, if you need someone to talk to about it, you can email me at

    Grace and peace,


  3. To our anonymous brother;
    You have done the right step towards overcoming the stronghold of pornography by admitting it,and by acknowledging that you are too weak to face it alone!
    I will also help through prayers!
    Our Great God does answer prayers in so many wonderful ways.
    Jesus said,"Come to me..."
    Please come to Him everytime you become weak. He is the Only Way,the Only Truth and the Only Life - Our Greatest Treasure!
    Praying for you;

  4. Be disgusted by the sin that you see on your computer screen.Porn is an foul perversion of one of God's special gifts to us. When you can truly see how God hates it, you will be able to toss it out of the window. Surround yourself with true believers in Christ, and get them to hold you accountable. Turn to Jesus, admit that you are desperately needy of his help and forgivness - he is a wonderful Father, he will help you!

    I am praying for you,

    Love from a sibling in Christ :)
