Sunday, June 28, 2009

In the Midst of the Wilderness

I wrote this poem a while ago when I was "walking through the wilderness." Some of you may be experiencing this very thing right now, but find hope in Jesus and never give up the journey, even when it is hard! Pursue a passion and desire for truth, and seek God until He blesses you (Gen. 32:26). I was rescued from the wilderness recently, and God gave me a taste of Himself. If He allows me to go back into the wilderness again, I know that He will use it for good and will give me rest in Him. So, stay strong and fight to know the very God that created you to know Him!

Oh Lord, I am in the midst of the wilderness,
Heartache, yes, sorrow, depression, no rest.

I have felt you so near, many times,
Now it's hard to see, and you I can't find.

I get stuck in the swamp, and I can't get free,
Why, Lord, do I sit and think only of me?

I want you, I need you, it's easy sometimes,
But now, more than ever, please come to my mind.

Prayer and conversation, I think not of you,
I am so caught up in me, what do I do?

Help me escape from depending on myself,
Oh God, I am ready, can I cry out for help?

Lord, where I am, will you hear my call?
Or depending on myself, will you let me fall?

Teach me, rebuke me, please use discipline,
Then I will love you, instead of the praise of men.

One thing, Lord, I ask you now - please help,
I always will fall when I depend on myself.

You sent me your servants, they teach me so well,
I must humble myself, then I will be able to tell,

How to make it through the wilderness,
Show me your glory, save me from hell.

Truth and reality, I must seek your face,
Show me, Lord, in the midst of this fog, your grace.

The light in the darkness, shall not disappear,
If you grant me a new heart, eyes to see, and ears to hear.

I want it, I need it, how can I survive?
Breathe in my body, you're the One who keeps me alive.

Truth, more Truth, I need more of Christ,
I want to know more of his sacrifice.

So, in this body, I may also be,
Like your precious servant, the One who died for me.

He walked in the wilderness 40 days,
Let me not forget temptation he had in so many ways.

He endured it with the Word and stood against Satan,
He glorified God, the Maker of Earth and Heaven.

Grow in faith and love, you have to go through this,
Keep going and trust me, to the end of the wilderness.

With my strength, you shall stand,
Don't grow weary, hold my hand.

I will walk with you, let me lead you,
With Christ, there's nothing you can't do.

Yes, the wilderness may come and go,
But everything has a season to grow.

You, my child, are a seed that I shall nourish,
Soil you, protect you, water you, then you shall flourish.

Be patient, as I am with you, my daughter,
You had a bad dad, now I'm your new Father.

I must teach you and love you, and some discipline,
Then go to the sea, become fishers of men.

You'll grow in knowledge, a new heart within,
Loving the Truth, and hating sin.

Set your eyes on things above,
And your mind on my Love.

The hope that awaits if you finish the race,
Seeing my glory, yes, even my face.

Run to win, persevere, and fight,
Run from the darkness, seek only the Light.

You are being trained in righteousness,
So stand firm, dear child, in the midst of the wilderness.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! Sister Crystal.
    Very comforting...
    Praise the Lord for being with us through the "wilderness".
    Thank you very much! And may God lead you to write more inspiring poems that blesses the hearts of His servants!
    take care
